Turkey monodose

Description: Cooked turkey breast in strips specially prepared for the food industry. We can produce turkey from the most noble parts such as the breast, thigh or turkey meat.
Features: As a manufacturer or supplier of turkey and turkey topping, we adapt to your logistics and production needs with packaging or preservation according to your production needs.
Versions: We can customize the flavor according to your project or product. Curry flavor, spicy, natural, Mediterranean or whatever your business needs.
Applications: Some examples of applications of turkey toppings or strips are turkey strips or fingers, salads, stews, with mushrooms, kebab, makhani, pizzas...

Packaging types

10-20-30g https://santdalmai.com/ https://santdalmai.com/legal/3


1kg https://santdalmai.com/ https://santdalmai.com/legal/3


25kg https://santdalmai.com/ https://santdalmai.com/legal/3


Tailored https://santdalmai.com/ https://santdalmai.com/legal/3


We can supply this product

IQF https://santdalmai.com/ https://santdalmai.com/legal/3


Chilled https://santdalmai.com/ https://santdalmai.com/legal/3


Sant Dalmai Food Company Guarantees

No allergens https://santdalmai.com/ https://santdalmai.com/legal/3

No allergens

Gluten Free https://santdalmai.com/ https://santdalmai.com/legal/3

Gluten Free

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