2 billion Euros is the commercialization volume of organic products in 2018 in Spain. It is double what it was just 5 years ago and it is expected to grow at double digit in the coming years.
Spain, for the first time enters the Top 10 worldwide, both by domestic market volume and by annual growth rate, which is 13%.
Another statistic: 57.6% of Spaniards consume organic products on more than one occasion per week.
Three key factors in the evolution of consumption of organic products
- Evolution of sales channel. In the last three years we have observed:
- A migration from the original commercial format (small speciality stores, herbalists and health food shops) to larger organic supermarket structures, offering a wider range and more categories. This format exponentially increases points of sale year after year.
- Large conventional distributors have firmly committed to increasing the supply of organic products on their shelves. Most hypermarkets, department stores, hard-discount retailers and supermarket chains have already implemented an organic category on their shelves.
- Wide presence of organic products in the Horeca Channel:
- Organic catering solutions have expanded throughout the national territory.
- Growing awareness of parents towards their children’s diet has led to an increase in the demand of organic products in school canteens, encouraging catering services to incorporate them into their menus.
- Milennials:
- Very informed and aware, they are the main national consumers of organic products.
- They are also the parents of the newest generations and are leading the sustained growth of this category.
Foundations of organic agro-food production
Organic production is based on a system of agricultural management and food production that combines:
- The best environmental practices
- A high level of biodiversity
- The preservation of natural resources
- The application of strict standards of animal welfare
- The promotion of rural development
- The making of products based on natural substances and processes

How Sant Dalmai responds to this challenge:
At Sant Dalmai we are always looking for areas of improvement that bring us closer to the demands of consumers and we consider it is also essential to continue progressing in the sustainable development of industrial activity.
After a few months of preparation, and the adaptation of some of our production processes, we are proud to announce that on March 21, after passing the corresponding audit, we received the certificate that accredits us as operators of organic agro-food production.
In addition, we already have the support of a group of highly trustworthy suppliers of organic raw materials necessary to manufacture this type of products with the maximum guarantees.